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Meriah Melebihi Pesta Ultah, Inilah Penyambutan Nia Ramadhani dan Adri Bakrie Sepulang Haji..

Most law firms that are made up of more than one person are set up as a hierarchy with Partners at the top and varying levels of Associate Attorneys below them. Partners are generally the owners of the business and Associates are employees. The Associates are often given the opportunity to work their way up the ladder to become Partners and share in the profits of the firm instead of just receiving wages. It is important to have a written agreement or contract between the Associates and the Firm that spells out everyone's duties and obligations as well as the conditions under which they may advance. The following is a draft contract between an Associate and a law firm that can be customized to meet the needs of a law firm hiring an Associate Attorney. This AGREEMENT made of this 21st day of March, 2011, between the Law Offices of at Smith, herein referred to as the "Firm" and Joe Blow, hereinafter referred to as the "Attorney." Recitals The Firm is a Sole

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